Saturday, April 28, 2007

Do You Freecycle?


What in the world is freecycle you ask? Well, it is the ultimate form of recycling. When you freecycle, you not only keep stuff out of the landfills, you also save the energy it takes for industry to recycle that stuff.

Keep Your Britches On

Now before you go thinking I've gone to the other side and am running with the tree hugging and frog kissing crowd, think again. Being good for the environment is only one of the good things about freecycling.

  • We all have things we don't need or want. Right?
  • We all need or want things we don't have. Right?
  • We all love to get things for free. Right?
  • We all love to give things away and bless people. Right?

Freecycle gets the people who have things they don't need or want together with the people who need or want the things other people have so the haves can give freely to the have-nots and that just makes everybody happy and giddy inside.

From The Freecycle Website
How does it work?

When you want to find a new home for something -- whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano, or an old door -- you simply send an e-mail offering it to members of the local Freecycle group.

Or, maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself. Simply respond to a member's offer, and you just might get it. After that, it's up to the giver to decide who receives the gift and to set up a pickup time for passing on the treasure.

Our main rule: Everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages.

Non-profit organizations also benefit from The Freecycle Network. Post the item or items you want to give away and specify that you wish the gift to go to a nonprofit cause. It's entirely your choice! It's a free cycle of giving. The Freecycle Network is incorporated as a nonprofit organization and is tax-exempt under the IRS 501(c)3 ruling.

Cool Huh?

Robin and I have been Freecycling lately and I gotta tell you, it's a blast. It's for a good cause, and it's free. Can you beat that? I don't think so.

Go check out the national Freecycle site and get involved today. It's fun! Do it now. Come on, you can read the rest of my stupid blog later, go check out Freecycle now.

Monday, April 23, 2007

VT students returned to classes today

OK, I have held my toung, err...fingers, for a week on this. I've tried not to be reactionary and wait to see what happens, but now it's time to speak.

While I'm admittedly a bit disconnected from the everyday news, there are a few things I've noticed.

It wasn't the gun's fault

So, I haven't watched that much news about this event, but I have seen numerous stories about the guns and how easily available they are. The stories seemed to highlight the fact of the high capacity magazines available for the 9mm pistol and the fact that you can buy one with an instant background check without a waiting period. They almost seem to blame the gun for the horrific things that transpired that day.

The fact of the matter is this: bad people do bad things. This wasn't the gun's fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the universities fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the professors fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the security officers fault, it was the gunman's fault. It was the gunman's fault!

I know I said a few...

...but that's all I want to discuss now. Maybe more later.

Thank you for reading

Monday, April 9, 2007

Calling all prayer warriors

I just found out that a friend of the family, Marlene Travis, has been diagnosed with cancer. It is in multiple places including her brain. She is getting chemotherapy treatment. Please pray that God would heal her and that the doctors will know the best course of action to take in her treatment.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Would you see this in USA?

Guess where this picture was taken? Let me just say that this is one of the reasons we want to go to Ecuador. They are a people who need Jesus to make a difference in their spiritual lives as well as their physical lives. We want to go and introduce these people to the life changing power that only Jesus can give.

Would you please pray for us as we prepare to go and help these people; and would you also pray for the Ecuadorian people that they would realize their need for Jesus and his life changing work on their souls.

Until next time...