Sunday, May 20, 2007


Here it is the middle of May already and I've neglected my blog yet again. I can't say it's totally without cause though. I have had to finish up projects for classes, study for and take finals, and attend the BBFI fellowship week activities. It's been a rather busy time. We got to see one of our pastors from Mid-Way in Raleigh, Brother Bob. It was nice to make that connection again and get to visit and fellowship with our pastor. O yes, I've also started a new job. It is as a front desk clerk at a local hotel called Springfield Inn.

All in all it's been a busy but enjoyable month so far. I am looking forward to a great summer. I am planning to work as much as I can and enjoy summer activities with my family. I'm looking forward to doing more fishing than I've done in the past few years and maybe a camping trip or two.

Gonna go for now. Be good.