Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Missions Conference Banner

I had the pleasure of designing the banner for South Side's missions conference. It is very basic and very clean looking. I hope you like it. The original banner is 16 feet long by 3 feet tall.

I liked it so much I used the same graphic and similar design for our prayer cards. I'll post our prayer card soon.

We are Missionaries!

Sometimes you can just tell without a doubt that God is at work and has His hand in your life. I am constantly humbled by the fact that the almighty God wants to use me. While I fail Him on a daily basis He still loves me and is working to make me more like His Son in a never ending time of gently forming me like clay in the Masters hands.

But that's not what I intend to write about today.

We have gone through the application and lengthy interview process with Child Evangelism Fellowship and have been invited to work with them as full time Missionaries. This obviously excites us and is exactly the path we feel God has for us at this time. Robin and I are looking forward to our time working to evangelize, disciple and bring children into the local church.

We are CEF missionaries and are on deputation now. Well, more like deputation light. I am still in school and will graduate this May. The two weeks following graduation we will be at CEF's worldwide headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri for their Missionary Candidate School. We will be trained in effective deputation methods in order to maximize our efforts to raise our ministry expenses.

In the meantime though, we will be working to get a head start on that deputation process. We will be in a missions conference at our sending church here in Springfield February 25-March 1. We have also been invited to present our ministry at Pastor Joe Brothers church in Georgia in March. These events have greatly encouraged us and we are looking for more opportunities to share our ministry with God's people.

If you would like to hear more about our ministry and how you may become a prayer and/or financial partner please get in touch with me and we would be happy to share what God is doing in our lives.

Thank you for reading.