Monday, December 18, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's Finally Over...

Although this semester has gone by very quickly, I'm glad it's finally over. Today was the last day of finals. I've stayed very busy this year with working 40+ hours a week and going to school 13 hours a week plus all the homework and trying to maintain my proper role in my family. It's been exhausting. I must apologize to many of you for not staying in touch better. I hope this blog will help with that. Please give me feedback and respond to my posts if something strikes your fancy. I'm going to try and post some things that have happened this year now that I have a little more time available.

This Spanish textbook cost me $109.00, the companion workbook was about $60.00. I'm not sure why I told you the cost of these except for the fact that it still makes my mad that it cost so much. I think it's a racket. You have to buy them and they know it, so they charge you an outrageous price for them. Someone should do something...

Anyone up for the challenge?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Home sweet Home

When we first moved out to Springfield from North Carolina we stayed in the basement apartment of some friends house on their 85 acre mini farm. This was truly a blessing because we did not have anywhere else to stay, so it gave us time to find a house. After much searching, we finally found a house right off Division street. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a 2 car garage. It is actually the house of a short term BBFI missionary. She rented it to us for a great price and it was partially furnished which saved us from having to buy a lot of furniture. God was really good to us when He worked this out.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Yellow School Bus

I was leaving for class this morning and ended up behind a government school bus. That got me thinking: What is it that would cause a parent to put their child on that yellow school bus and send him off to a day filled with teaching from fools and a foolish system, pressure to conform to the fads of the day by their peers, and being picked on by the class bullies. I wonder if these parents ever stop to think if this is what they really should be doing, or are they just doing what everybody else is doing. After all, their parents put them on the yellow school bus and they turned out ok, right. Is that the right way to approach life. Unfortunately way too many people do approach life that way. They don't really think things through.

My motto is: Question everything. Why am I doing the things that I am doing. There has to be a better reason then, "that's how we did it when I was growing up." There are so many absolute truths contained in scripture that we can have a definitive reason for why we do the things we do. The problem is for the most part we are too lazy or complacent to take the time to search out the scriptures to find out what God wants for our lives. Yes, God's Word even speaks to the topic of whether we should educate our children.

For those of you questioning my statement above about government school students being taught by fools in a foolish system, consider this verse from Psalm 14:1: "To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. "

Good day

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Fun at Sams

There is a wealth of fun you can have even if you are poor. Take our recent trip to Sam's Club. You can go to Sam's and on a good day have a complete lunch for free. Even on a slow day you can usually get a few good snacks. They give out all kinds of samples ranging from pizza to shrimp and cranberry juice cocktail to yogurt. There are all kinds of neat things to look at. Their shopping carts are huge. Big enough for a little girl with a broken shoe to be wheeled around in. And then there are the people. You can see all kinds of people doing all kinds of stuff at Sam's. Check out this man, he was snoozing in that chair for at least 20 minutes. His wife must have been shopping and just wore him out.