Saturday, December 22, 2007


I just heard on Fox & Friends that Tony Blair, former British Prime minister, became a Roman Catholic yesterday.

That's interesting.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sweet Relief

Ok, the semester's over, I survived finals and am now in a recuperate mode.

About midway through the semester I was diagnosed with pneomia. I eventually got over it, sorta. I did start to feel better but have had cold symptoms almost constantly since. I would feel better for a day or two but then go back to feeling bad again. Well, I think my body was just doing what it had to to survive the hectic schedule I was keeping. Since finals were over last Thursday I think my body said, "ok, now I CAN be sick!"

I have been terribly sick since finals. I am starting to feel better though, for now. So anyway, send me your accolades for surviving the semester (yes that's unabashed self-promotion) and please pray that I would get all better by Christmas. I'd like to be well Christmas morning.

Oh yeah, wait till I tell you about Christmas. Our God is good. That's all I can say for now.

Remember, He (Jesus) knows when you've been good or bad, so be good for His sake.

'Till next time...

Monday, December 3, 2007

5 Days left

Whew... This is it, down to the wire. Five days left in this semester. On a previous post I wrote:
Before the end of the semester I need to write a 10 page research paper, a 4 page opinion paper, a couple 5 page journal article reviews, three lesson plans, four sermons, conduct two interviews and whatever else I can't remember right now. Whew, I better get busy.
Well, the 10 page research paper is done, One of the journal articles is done, one of the lesson plans is done and three of the sermons are done. I still have the 4 page opinion paper, one of the journal article reviews, two lesson plans, two sermons ( I realized that I had another sermon to prepare), both interviews and a couple other small papers to write.

I still have a lot to do and a short time to do it in.

... So I'm gonna get busy.
