Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Yellow School Bus

I was leaving for class this morning and ended up behind a government school bus. That got me thinking: What is it that would cause a parent to put their child on that yellow school bus and send him off to a day filled with teaching from fools and a foolish system, pressure to conform to the fads of the day by their peers, and being picked on by the class bullies. I wonder if these parents ever stop to think if this is what they really should be doing, or are they just doing what everybody else is doing. After all, their parents put them on the yellow school bus and they turned out ok, right. Is that the right way to approach life. Unfortunately way too many people do approach life that way. They don't really think things through.

My motto is: Question everything. Why am I doing the things that I am doing. There has to be a better reason then, "that's how we did it when I was growing up." There are so many absolute truths contained in scripture that we can have a definitive reason for why we do the things we do. The problem is for the most part we are too lazy or complacent to take the time to search out the scriptures to find out what God wants for our lives. Yes, God's Word even speaks to the topic of whether we should educate our children.

For those of you questioning my statement above about government school students being taught by fools in a foolish system, consider this verse from Psalm 14:1: "To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. "

Good day

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