Monday, April 23, 2007

VT students returned to classes today

OK, I have held my toung, err...fingers, for a week on this. I've tried not to be reactionary and wait to see what happens, but now it's time to speak.

While I'm admittedly a bit disconnected from the everyday news, there are a few things I've noticed.

It wasn't the gun's fault

So, I haven't watched that much news about this event, but I have seen numerous stories about the guns and how easily available they are. The stories seemed to highlight the fact of the high capacity magazines available for the 9mm pistol and the fact that you can buy one with an instant background check without a waiting period. They almost seem to blame the gun for the horrific things that transpired that day.

The fact of the matter is this: bad people do bad things. This wasn't the gun's fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the universities fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the professors fault, it was the gunman's fault. It wasn't the security officers fault, it was the gunman's fault. It was the gunman's fault!

I know I said a few...

...but that's all I want to discuss now. Maybe more later.

Thank you for reading

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