Thursday, January 18, 2007

...........still counting

It is now 12:00 Thursday afternoon and we still do not have power. That's 134 hours or 8040 minutes or 482400 seconds. Yes, I am counting.

It was my intention to post updates daily, but it got cold. Monday we decided to take some friends up on an invitation to stay at their house and their internet was down. They did not have power but did have a gas stove that kept their house warm. As it turned out, their electricity was restored about twenty minutes before we arrived. We had a good time while we were there.

Wednesday some other friends had their power restored and offered us the use of their generator. We also finally found a kerosene heater. Actually, Robin's mother and brother were the ones who found the heater. They had to drive around twenty miles away to get kerosene, and then it cost $40.00 to fill up two 5 gallon containers.

So, to make this long story short, we were able to come back home Wednesday. Still no power from the utility company, but with heat and a generator.

I've got more updating to do, but I need to get ready for work now, so I'll post some more later.

Stay warm.

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